State Gas
Propane Suppliers
I built the examples here
with html, css, a little script, a few pixels
& the ability to envision solutions.
Propane Suppliers
Bulk Grocery
Custom Rag Dolls
Fine Artist
Accounting Firm
Artist, educator, and community leader Eleanor Merritt commissioned me to design a new website in 2011. Revisions and new gallery treatments were built as needed to keep up with her accelerating exhibit schedule and new works.
Design, HTML, CSS, Mobile CSS, Image Retouching, Image Optimization, Video Editing, W3 compliant, SEO Optimized
All images used here with the permission of the Estate of Eleanor Merritt.
An online gallery visitors “walk through”, this special section is based on a demo incorporating jquery from Louis Remi. This phase of Ms. Merritt’s site was built in 2017.
Seated Woman was chosen by Ms. Merritt as the sole example of her work to appear on the new landing page. It was the catalyst for the site palette, as well.
Animated brush strokes suggest a new work in process, and fade to the vibrant strength of the completed piece. Site visitors have commented on their desire to pause and see “what comes next.”
Craig Wright, the Henry L. and Lucy G. Moses Professor of Music Emeritus at Yale University commissioned this site to promote his book The Hidden Habits of Genius Beyond Talent, IQ, and Grit – Unlocking the Secrets of Greatness.
Design, WordPress Astra Theme - hacked as needed, .htaccess for fast load and caching, additional HTML & CSS, Image Retouching & Optimization, W3 compliant & SEO Optimized to WordPress Best Practices
A weighty image file is not necessarily a good image file. The graininess of the only image of Professor Wright at work in his home office was challenging.
I used the image to define the look and feel of the Hidden Habits site. Some background retouching, and a “keyhole” mask provided visual interest and a little intrigue.
Steve Orich, Orchestrator, Composer & Musical Director commissioned a new build after his original WordPress site had been hacked with some pretty nasty bits of .php. We decided to go with an html build on his new site, one that he could edit himself, once completed.
Design, HTML, CSS, Mobile CSS, Image Retouching, Image Optimization, W3 compliant, SEO Optimized, Owner Tutorial, Commented Code
Mr. Orich’s original site relied on a third-party site for playback of his sample files. At the time of the build, html5 audio players were coming into their own, and this enabled self-hosting of his sample files. CSS styling provided smooth visual integration of the player. Listen, Mr Orich’s work was definitely a bonus of the build.
Another requirement of this build was album availability. To facilitate off-site purchases, and provide a bit of backstory for each album, flip cards were used.
Adventure Travel of Venice | Sunway Suites | Kenyon Law Firm | Energy Calc Services | Lolly Owens | Baila Miller | Tax Centers US
This portfolio contains the work of Mary Smith as well as the intellectual property of others, the use of which has been authorized. Material contained in this portfolio is distributed for example only. No material may be used in any way without permission.