View Times Two

View Times Two Web and Digital Design

Sarasota, FL   941‑879‑1043


tests, tools + best practices


Tests & Tools

Is the site well structured?
W3 Validator
Is the site mobile friendly?
Mobile-friendly Test
Does the site load quickly?

Have questions? We have answers. Call 941‑879‑1043

Have questions? We have answers. Call 941‑879‑1043

More Tools and Information…

Open source & freemium gems:

(View Times Two does not receive compensation for these recommendations.)


Website Best Practices

What makes a website successful? Ask your developer about these points, then give us a call.

Why is SEO Important?

From - Beginners Guide to SEO:

“While paid advertising, social media, and other online platforms can generate traffic to websites, the majority of online traffic is driven by search engines.

Organic search results cover more digital real estate, appear more credible to savvy searchers, and receive way more clicks than paid advertisements. For example, of all US searches, only ~2.8% of people click on paid advertisements.

In a nutshell: SEO has Twenty Times more traffic opportunity than PPC on both mobile and desktop.”

Website Building Blocks

Be sure your website includes these important elements, to better serve your visitors.

Identify & Inform
 Company name, products & services on each page
Intuitive Navigation
 Visitors easily find what they are looking for
Contact Information
 Appears on each page
 Provide phone, e-mail, and standard contact form alternatives
High Quality Content
 Give the visitor the information they're looking for
 Make sure content is CURRENT.
User Experience
 Compelling design and palette
 Use short paragraphs, titles & bullet points
 Highlight important words or phrases.
Handicap Accessible
 Employ best practices for individuals with disabilities
 Honest reviews help customers choose
Call to Action Button
 “Call Now”, “Sign Up”, “Download” etc.